Food Allergies
Due to the nature of our products, we cannot guarantee an allergen-free experience. We care about you and your family and want to be as transparent as possible as it relates to food allergens and our products. You should be aware that: Many of our products do have allergens in them such as Milk, Egg, Tree Nuts, Wheat, Peanut, and Soy.
Our employees may not be familiar with the significant risks related to your food allergies. Because of the personal nature of your own food allergies, you must take responsibility to ensure you are safe. If you have ANY questions, please contact a manager.
If you alert a manager to allergy concerns, we are happy to use our best efforts to mitigate the risk. Upon your specific request to a manager, we will (1) wash and sanitize utensils prior to using them to produce your food, and/or (2) open a brand new bulk of ice cream and scoop from that bulk to ensure no allergens were inadvertently transferred via an ice cream scoop.
Guests with particularly heightened sensitivity to allergens (dairy or nuts in particular) should exercise extreme caution and likely should not consume our ice cream products. Only you know your body and allergies.